2 giugno 2012

Fotografija za kraljico Elizabeto ZGONIŠKA SODOBNA PIETA'

V Angliji danes (spet) praznujejo 60-letnico začetka vladanja kraljice Elizabete. Iz Buckingamske palače smo tudi prejeli vabilo na njeno slavje, a smo ga žal morali prijazno zavrniti. Smo pa Elizabeti poslali posebno darilo.
Darilo za kraljico Elizabeto
Poslali smo ji zgornjo fotografijo, na hrbtno stran pa je Stano Longo napisal kratko pisemce.

Dear Her Majesty,

many thanks for the invitation, but as you sure now in Zgonik is takining place the wine exposition. Anybody of us can't come to you, even our foreign secretary Drupi, who has a concert on Sagra delle ciliegie ferroviarie in Portogruaro.
Instead of our presence on your party (take care with wine!), we send you this picture. It's without any doubt a pearl of contemporary art. This picture reminds the Michelangelo's Pietà, but is also an impressive visual metaphor of human life: you can find the happines, the tiredness, the beauty, the not-buty, different generations, the sun, but also the darkness.
Dear Liz, we are sure, that you will hang up on the wall this pic, we send you with all our love.
Stano for Gostilna

Za sodelovanje pri tej fotografiji prejmejo Paola, Madalena in Igor pet krontočk.

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