5 agosto 2011

Barack Obama na Radiu Gostilna

V zgodnjo jutranjo oddajo Radia Gostilne je nepričakovano poklical predsednik ZDA Barack Obama. Tu je prepis pogovora.
Voditelj (V): "Trenutek, iz režije mi pravijo, da imamo klic. Halo?"
Barack Obama (O): "Hi guys, Barack Obama here."
O: "I'm calling to say thank you. Yesterday was my birthday. I received a lot of wishes, I can't reply to all, but for you, for Gostilna's people, I must do this. So, thank you. By the way, a lot of birthdays, ah? As I know also Živa Cowtich was born on 4th August, isn't she?"
V: "Yes, she is. Then we have Gregor on second, Mitja on third, Boštjan 5th of August..."
O: "Yes Boštjan, Mateja C. is also from August. Jakob, Martin M. ... Michela?"
V: "No, she was born in December."
O: "Oh, I see... I red the interview by šank with her. Very nice, really. When will uredništvo send the wiprašalnik to Milos? I'm anxiously waiting for this."
V: "Mr. Obama, let's tell us, what do you think, who will win the golden guest?"
O: "In this moment it's too early for any prediction. But let me say, I'm really impressed about Mateja. Three months on the top without doing anything, execpt cutting a cake before the match Zgonik - Kontovel. Incredible."
V: "Who do you support?"
O: "Sorry, but as you know the White House can't take a position. Anyway, I argue that NBA, NHL, Super Bowl etc are boring if we comparate them with the fight for Golden guest. This competition for zlauti goust is really really exciting. Really. Ok, Joe Biden is waiting for me. Have a nice day."

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