19 agosto 2011

Odgovor na pismo Združenih narodov

Organizacija združenih narodov (OZN) je uredništvo Gostilne pozvala, naj končno podeli Drupijevo nagrado. Tu je odgovor, ki ga je trenutni vršilec dolžnosti odgovornega za stike z javnostmi Stano Longo poslal generalnemu sekratarju OZN Ban Ki Moonu.

"Dear Ki Moon!
Thank you for your attention. We understand your state of great anxiety because we haven't yet proclaimed the winner of Drupi price. We are receiving every day toužnt of letters with scarried words and we know that all the world is watching us, waiting for our important decision. But, as you know, we are in a big trouble, because Drupi price is something that claim a deep reflection. The comission for podelitev nagrad works very hard. And be sure that in a few days we will able to announce the winner of this very important price. 
SWBN (Stano with big nose)

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